Article Newspaper/Magazine
Annual Research Briefs 2024
- Large-eddy simulation of contrail formation from hydrogen-fueled aircraft.
T. Ferreira AND C. Gorlé - Predictions of flow distortions inside a serpentine diffuser from large-eddy simulations.
R. Agrawal, S. T. Bose AND P. Moin - Large-eddy simulations of heat transfer from iced surfaces.
F. Zabaleta, B. Bornhoft, S. S. Jain, S. T. Bose AND P. Moin - Flow over ice roughness. Part II. Heat transfer and pressure gradient.
X. Hu, R. Agrawal, F. Zabaleta, B. Bornhoft AND X. I. A. Yang - Radiative-convective equilibrium in the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer.
A. Balakrishna, H. Fu, P. Moin AND M. E. O’Neill - Compressibility effects in a non-equilibrium three-dimensional supersonic turbulent boundary layer.
S. R. Gomez - Statistical decomposition of turbulence-chemistry interactions in a hypersonic boundary layer.
C. T. Williams, M. Di Renzo AND P. Moin - A dynamic thickened-flame approach for a laser-ignited, stratified, premixed rocket combustor.
D. Brouzet, T. Zahtila AND G. Iaccarino - Neural ordinary differential equation based representation of unsteady laser-deposited energy kernels.
T. Zahtila, E. Saetta, D. Brouzet, M. Cutforth, D. Rossinelli AND G. Iaccarino - Diffusion-based deep generative models for turbulent flows: a promising avenue.
A. Patil - Validation of a multiphase resolvent operator.
S. R. Gomez AND F. Zabaleta - Permitted spatio-temporal triadic interactions in a turbulent channel.
M. C. Y. Coimbra AND B. J. McKeon - Turbulent channel flow with logarithmic scale-local interactions.
A. Elnahhas AND P. Moin - Coarse-grained representations of near-wall turbulence using resolvent analysis.
M. Chan, U. Piomelli, AND B. J. McKeon - Observations on dynamics and flow structures in unsteady Stokesian particle sedimentation.
T. M. Jaroslawski, D. Jaganathan, R. Govindarajan AND B. J. McKeon - Experimental investigation of heat transfer over roughness elements: design and preliminary results.
S. Vijay AND B. J. McKeon - High-Reynolds-number and low-Mach-number wind tunnel at Stanford University.
F. Cabrera-Booman, J. M. O. Massey AND B. J. McKeon - A modified Clauser chart method for determination of drag on superhydrophobic surfaces.
K. Liu - Application of a sensor-based slip wall model in the presence of pressure-gradient effects.
M. P. Whitmore, S. T. Bose AND P. Moin - glimPSE: an open-source incompressible nonlinear parabolized stability equation solver.
C. A. Gonzalez, S. R. Harris AND P. Moin - Receptivity of a Mach 8 blunt cone by adjoint Green’s function.
T. J. Flint AND P. Moin - Application of an immersed boundary method to generate boundary layer turbulence.
J. Wang AND C. Gorlé - Effects of curvature and interface advection calculation in two-phase wind and wave simulations.
H. Hwang AND C. Gorlé - Diffuse interface boundary conditions for dynamic contact angles.
L. Brown AND P. Moin
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