Article Newspaper/Magazine
Proceedings of the 2014 Summer Program
- Overview
- Developing improved Lagrangian point particle models of gas-solid flow from particle-resolved direct numerical simulation.
S. Subramaniam, M. Mehrabadi, J. Horwitz and A. Mani - Settling of heated inertial particles through homogeneous turbulence.
A. Frankel, H. Pouransari, F. Coletti and A. Mani - Spectral analysis of energy transfer in variable density, radiatively heated particle-laden flows.
H. Pouransari, H. Kolla, J. H. Chen and A. Mani - Lagrangian simulation of large and small inertial particles in a high Reynolds number flow: Stochastic simulation of subgrid turbulence/particle interactions.
M. Gorokhovski and R. Zamansky - Direct numerical simulations of oscillatory wall-bounded flow over a closely-packed fixed bed of spherical particles.
C. Ghodke, S. Apte and J. Urzay
- Overview
- Feature identification algorithms for sharp-interface flows.
V. Le Chenadec, S. Mirjalili, M. Mortazavi and A. Mani - A dual scale volume-of-fluid approach for modeling turbulent phase interface dynamics.
M. Herrmann - Theoretical and computational modeling of turbulence/interface interactions.
J. O. McCaslin and O. Desjardins - High-fidelity simulation of atomization in diesel engine sprays.
L. Bravo, C. B. Ivey, D. Kim and S. T. Bose - Supercritical and transcritical real-fluid mixing in diesel engine applications.
P. C. Ma, L. Bravo and M. Ihme - Numerical simulation of liquid-layer breakup on a moving wall due to an impinging jet.
T. Yu, J. Park, H. Moon, J. Shim, D. You, D. Kim and A. Ovsyannikov
- Overview
- Towards the prediction of soot in aero-engine combustors with large eddy simulation.
B. Cuenot, E. Riber and B. Franzelli - Large-eddy simulation and low-order modeling of nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction by ammonia spray.
B. Farcy, L. Vervisch and P. Domingo - Edge flame dynamics in a turbulent lifted jet flame.
S. Karami, E. R. Hawkes, M. Talei and J. H. Chen - Counter-gradient subgrid-scale transport and energy backscatter in turbulent deflagrations.
J. O’Brien, J. Urzay, A. Y. Poludnenko, P. E. Hamlington and M. Ihme - Spectral energy dynamics in premixed flames.
C. A. Z. Towery, A. Y. Poludnenko, J. Urzay, M. Ihme and P. E. Hamlington - Causality and intrinsic thermoacoustic instability modes.
E. Courtine, L. Selle, F. Nicoud, W. Polifke, C. Silva, M. Bauerheim and T. Poinsot - Towards concurrent identification of flame dynamics and combustion noise of enclosed flames.
C. F. Silva, W. Polifke, J. O’Brien and M. Ihme - Sensitivity analysis of thermo-acoustic eigenproblems with adjoint methods.
M. Juniper, L. Magri, M. Bauerheim and F. Nicoud - Multiple-scale adjoint sensitivity analysis of hydrodynamic/thermo- acoustic instability in turbulent combustion chambers.
L. Magri, Y. C. See, M. Ihme and M. P. Juniper - Uncertainty quantification of thermo-acoustic instabilities in annular combustors.
M. Bauerheim, A. Ndiaye, P. Constantine, G. Iaccarino, S. Moreau and F. Nicoud
- Overview
- Large eddy simulation of a Mach 0.9 turbulent jet.
G. A. Bres, P. Jordan, T. Colonius, M. Le Rallic, V. Jaunet and S. K. Lele - Lattice-Boltzmann simulation of coaxial jet noise generation.
D. Casalino and S. K. Lele - Modeling intermittent wavepackets and their radiated sound in a turbulent jet.
P. Jordan, T. Colonius, G. A. Bres, M. Zhang, A. Towne and S. K. Lele - Input-output analysis of high-speed jet noise.
J. W. Nichols and M. R. Jovanovic - Assessment of the indirect combustion noise generated in a transonic high-pressure turbine stage.
D. Papadogiannis, G. Wang, S. Moreau, F. Nicoud, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel and J. W. Nichols
- Overview
- DNS of laminar-turbulent transition in swept-wing boundary layers.
L. Duan, M. Choudhari and F. Li - Structural changes to a turbulent boundary layer grazing a compliant panel.
D. Bodony - Dynamics of gas-liquid interfaces in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces.
R. Garcia-Mayoral, J. Seo and A. Mani - Compressible turbulent channel flow with impedance boundary conditions.
C. Scalo, J. Bodart, S. K. Lele and L. Joly - Parallel Optimization for LES.
C. Talnikar, P. Blonigan, J. Bodart and Q. Wang - Reduced-order model for near-wall dynamics with implications for wall models.
T. Sayadi and P. J. Schmid - Parallel QR algorithm for data-driven decompositions.
T. Sayadi, C. W. Hamman and P. J. Schmid - Completion of partially known turbulent flow statistics via convex optimization.
A. Zare, M. R. Jovanovic and T. T. Georgiou - Nonlinear model reduction using multiple expansion bases.
M. Fosas de Pando, P. J. Schmid and S. K. Lele - Parametric sensitivity for large-scale aeroacoustic flows.
M. Fosas de Pando, P. J. Schmid and S. K. Lele
- Overview
- A low-cost time-advancing strategy for energy-preserving turbulent simulations.
F. Capuano, G. Coppola, G. Balarac, H. J. Bae and L. de Luca - A comparison between low-order and higher-order low-Mach discretization approaches.
S. P. Domino - Development of dynamic sub-grid models for variational multiscale methods.
S. M. Murman L. T. Diosady and A. Garai - DNS, LES, and wall-modeled LES of separating flow over periodic hills.
P. Balakumar, G. I. Park and B. Pierce - Numerical scale separation in large-eddy simulation.
R. W. C. P. Verstappen, W. Rozema and H. J. Bae - Transition modeling using data driven approaches.
K. Duraisamy and P. A. Durbin - Optimal estimator and artificial neural network as efficient tools for the subgrid-scale scalar flux modeling.
A. Vollant, G. Balarac, G. Geraci and C. Corre - A comprehensive DNS database to investigate measures of roughness and LES wall models.
M. MacDonald, D. Chung, N. Hutchins, L. Chan, A. Ooi, G. I. Park and B. Pierce - Wall-resolved large eddy simulation in refinery ribbed pipes.
M. Zhu, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, J. Bodart and T. Poinsot - Large-eddy simulation of a compressor rotor.
J. Joo, G. Medic, D. A. Philips and S. T. Bose - Prediction of unsteady loading on a steam turbine blade.
H. Kim, H. Lee, D. Kim, S. T. Bose and D. A. Philips - Numerical simulations of oblique shock/boundary-layer interaction at a high Reynolds number.
D. Szubert, I. Jang, G. I. Park and M. Braza
Publication Date