Article Newspaper/Magazine
Proceedings of the 2010 Summer Program
- Overview
- A surrogate accelerated Bayesian inverse analysis of the HyShot II supersonic combustion data.
P. G. Constantine, A. Doostan, Q.Wang and G. Iaccarino - Uncertainty analysis for shock-bubble interaction.
K. K. So, T. Chantrasmi, X. Y. Hu, J. A. S. Witteveen, C. Stemmer, G. Iaccarino and N. A. Adams - Robust simulation of nonclassical gas-dynamics phenomena.
P. M. Congedo, P. Colonna, C. Corre, J. Witteveen and G. Iaccarino - Quantification of structural uncertainties in the k-w turbulence model.
Q. Wang and E. A. Dow
- Overview
- Turbulent boundary layer structure identification via POD.
J. R. Baltzer, R. J. Adrian and X. Wu - Flow topology and non-local geometry of structures in a flat-plate turbulent boundary layer.
I. Bermejo-Moreno, C. Atkinson, S. Chumakov, J. Soria and X. Wu - Boundary layer turbulence in transitional and developed states.
J. M. Wallace, G. I. Park, X. Wu and P. Moin - Coherent vorticity extraction in turbulent boundary layers using orthogonal wavelets.
G. Khujadze, R. Nguyen van yen, K. Schneider, M. Oberlack and M. Farge - Fundamental physical processes associated with bypass transition.
J. H. Watmuff, D. A. Pook, T. Sayadi and X. Wu - Optimal localized control of transitional channel flow.
R. Moarref, B. K. Lieu and M. R. Jovanovic - Modeling roughness effects in turbulent boundary layers by elliptic relaxation.
J. George, A. De Simone, G. Iaccarino and J. Jimenez - Investigating turbulence in wind flow over complex terrain.
J. P. O'Sullivan, R. Pecnik and G. Iaccarino - Large-eddy simulation of shock/boundary-layer interaction.
A. Hadjadj, J. Larsson, B. E. Morgan, J. W. Nichols and S. K. Lele - Analysis of unsteady effects in shock/boundary layer interactions.
S. Pirozzoli, J. Larsson, J. W. Nichols, M. Bernardini, B. E. Morgan and S. K. Lele
- Overview
- Towards verification of sliding mesh algorithms for complex applications using MMS.
S. P. Domino - A dynamic eddy-viscosity model based on the invariants of the rate-of-strain.
R. W. C. P. Verstappen, S. T. Bose, J. Lee, H. Choi and P. Moin - A subgrid-scale model based on singular values for LES in complex geometries.
H. Baya Toda, O. Cabrit, G. Balarac, S. Bose, J. Lee, H. Choi and F. Nicoud - Grid-independent large-eddy simulation of compressible turbulent flows using explicit filtering.
D. You, S. T. Bose and P. Moin
- Overview
- Uncertainty quantification for the trailing-edge noise of a controlled-diffusion airfoil.
J. Christophe, S. Moreau, C. W. Hamman, J. A. S. Witteveen, and G. Iaccarino - Understanding the role of temperature in free shear flows via modification of the dynamics of the large scales.
D. J. Bodony
- Overview
- Coupling LES, radiation and structure in gas turbine simulations.
J. Amaya, E. Collado, B. Cuenot and T. Poinsot - Sensitivity of flame transfer functions of laminar flames.
F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot - Azimuthal instabilities in annular combustion chambers.
P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, R. Balakrishnan, A. Roux and T. Poinsot - Modeling of the wrinkling of premixed turbulent flames in the thin reaction zones regime for large eddy simulation.
O. Chatakonda, E. R. Hawkes, M. J. Brear, J. H. Chen, E. Knudsen and H. Pitsch - Lewis number and curvature effects on sound generation by premixed flame annihilation.
M. Talei, M. J. Brear and E. R. Hawkes - DNS analysis of a Re = 40,000 swirl burner.
V. Moureau, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch and D. Veynante
- Overview
- Multi-scale modeling of compressible multi-fluid flows with conservative interface method.
X. Y. Hu, N. A. Adams, M. Herrmann and G. Iaccarino - Methods for multiphase flows with high density ratio.
O. Desjardins and V. Moureau - Direct numerical simulation of dense particle-laden flows using a conservative immersed boundary technique.
P. Pepiot and O. Desjardins - A surface tension sub-grid model for phase interface dynamics.
M. Herrmann - A multi-Gaussian quadrature method of moments for gas-particle flows in a LES framework.
C. Chalons, R. O. Fox and M. Massot - Robust numerical schemes for Eulerian spray DNS and LES in two-phase turbulent flows.
M. Boileau, C. Chalons, F. Laurent, S. de Chaisemartin and M. Massot - On the mesoscopic Eulerian formalism for the simulation of non-isothermal dilute turbulent two-phase flows.
J. Dombard and L. Selle - On the role of preferential segregation in flame dynamics in polydisperse evaporating sprays.
L. Freret, O. Thomine, J. Reveillon, S. de Chaisemartin, F. Laurent and M. Massot
- Overview
- Numerical study of turbulence over a receding wall by controlled and thermal ablation.
R. Crocker and Y. Dubief - Hypersonic flows with discrete oblique surface roughness and their stability properties.
G. Groskopf, M. J. Kloker, K. A. Stephani, O. Marxen and G. Iaccarino - Development of an integrated methodology for the post-flight analysis of the transition payload on the EXPERT mission.
F. Pinna, K. Bensassi, P. Rambaud, O. Chazot, A. Lani and O. Marxen - Toward the validation of thermochemical models with EAST shock tube radiation measurements.
K. Miki, M. Panesi, E. Prudencio and S. Prudhomme - Rovibrational internal energy excitation and dissociation of nitrogen in hypersonic flows.
M. Panesi, T. E. Magin, A. Munafo, A. Bourdon, R. Jaffe and D. W. Schwenke
- Overview
- Problems of astrophysical turbulent convection: a simple model of the Evershed effect.
F. H. Busse - LES of turbulent convection in solar-type stars and formation of large-scale magnetic structures.
I. Rogachevskii, N. Kleeorin, I. N. Kitiashvili, A. G. Kosovichev, A. A. Wray and N. N. Mansour - Turbulent three-dimensional MHD dynamo model in spherical shells: Regular oscillations of the dipolar field.
R. D. Simitev, F. H. Busse and A. G. Kosovichev - Problems of astrophysical turbulent convection: thermal convection in a layer without boundaries.
R. D. Simitev and F. H. Busse - Integrated exploration of turbulent cross-helicity effect: theory, observation, modeling and numerical simulations of the solar convection zone.
N. Yokoi, G. Balarac, I. N. Kitiashvili, N. Kleeorin, A. G. Kosovichev, I. Rogachevskii and R. D. Simitev - Modeling of the subgrid-scale term of the filtered magnetic field transport equation.
G. Balarac, A. G. Kosovichev, O. Brugiere, A. Wray and N. Mansour - Modeling of turbulent MHD processes on the Sun.
I. N. Kitiashvili, A. G. Kosovichev, N. N. Mansour and A. A. Wray - Modeling of generation, propagation, and scattering of acoustic waves in the turbulent convection zone of the Sun.
K. V. Parchevsky and A. G. Kosovichev - MHD simulations of flows around rotating and non-rotating axisymmetric magnetic flux concentrations.
T. Hartlep, F. H. Busse, N. E. Hurlburt and A. G. Kosovichev
Publication Date